Root Cause Analysis
Find and eradicate inefficiencies in processes. Perform Root Cause analysis to isolate bottlenecks that cause delays to the critical path of essential process.
Change Management
All individuals instinctively resist change because it represents an unknown. In order to appreciate the adage that “if you do what you always did, you’ll get what you always got,” it is imperative to understand human nature and it’s build in resistance to change.
Lucre Dynamics implements best practices for aligning employees interests with that of the company to facilitate initial change and to make those changes sticky.
Once the program for aligning the employees' personal interest with that of the desired process change has been established, a full Project Management Charter (PMC) will be developed.
Project Management
Lucre Dynamics, along with the identified project stakeholders, will drill down into the essence of the project to fully identify the following components of a Project Charter:
Goals & Objectives – clear statement as to what end result the project will produce and how success will be measured.
Project Description - documents the relationship between the product being created and the business need that drove the project request.
Problem Statement – Why are we embarking on this project?
Key Deliverables - Deliverables are tangible and are easily measured and verified.
High Level Milestones – major events used to measure progress
High Level Cost Estimates – Historical information or input from vendor community.
Stakeholder Identification – Scaled down version of Stakeholder Matrix.
High Level Assumptions - events, actions, concepts, or ideas you believe to be true.
High Level Constraints - restricts or dictates the actions of the project team. Cost or Due Date.
High Level Risks - opportunities or threats to the project. Most of the time, we think of risks as having negative impacts and consequences.
High Level Risk Assessment (HLRA) performs targeted assessment of specific risks associated with a specific application. It attempts to use the 80 / 20 rule. This technique is used in risk assessments to improve the level of confidence in system security and to reduce the cost and time elements. The HLRA components are:
- Threat assessment
- Risk assessment
- Recommendations
Project Approach - formulate the approach you and your project team will take in bringing about the deliverables of the project. This also describes the types of project management processes you'll use to manage the project.